Well this is way over due for an update. I have thought about updating a lot but have been trying to survive everything at this point.
I will start with last weeks ultrasound (6 weeks) I was excited to go- DH was not excited that it was an 8am appointment. Anyways, everything seemed to go great. One baby in there which is a little disappointing and a relief all at the same time. Hopefully less complications with a singleton pregnancy. We got to see the heart beat at 117bpm, baby measuring right on target. Ultrasound tech seemed just fine- then it happened. Tech went out to call my Dr, DH and I are talking about u/s (he has a hard time seeing anything, lol). The Dr gets on the phone and doesn't say congrats on healthy baby in right spot (it was a viability scan after all) she goes right into the fact that I have a small bleed??? WTH??? Totally not expecting that at all (I have not had ANY spotting or bleeding outside)!! I mean you would think the ultrasound tech would hint at something?? But NO! I felt like I had just been run over by a truck- happy one minute and crushed the next. She went on to say that I needed to "take it easy" no heavy lifting, intercourse (not that we have since egg retrieval anyways), etc...
It took me a few days to recover from that news and continue with life. Each time I went to the bathroom checking for blood and counting each day as it past.
That brings us to this weeks ultrasound (follow-up one week later because of bleed). I went in, tried the external for a minute to see what it looked like and I could immediately tell that the bleed was bigger. So we started the trans vaginal ultrasound where you could distinctly see that the bleed was much bigger, baby is bigger too measuring right on target for 7 weeks with a heartbeat of 144bpm but that dang bleed really overshadowed the WHOLE ultrasound. I just kept looking at it like- WTH, what is it and why is it there?!? It grew more then baby did I am pretty sure. Don't know exact measurements but I was already upset. The ultrasound tech was a little more open this week only because I was stating the obvious. Talked to Dr and she was not happy. Wanted to know what I was doing last week- like I ran a marathon or something? New definition of "take it easy" this week is sit and lay. Which I can tell you is not easy at work but at least I am not on full bed rest- which she did threaten. Still have not had any spotting or bleeding.
So now I sit and lay wondering how everything is going in there. Dr wanted me to go back next week for another ultrasound but I said no. They can't do anything if something goes wrong, all they can do is watch it and baby and let me know when something is bad- or put me on bed rest. I emotionally can't handle once a week so we will be returning for ultrasound in 2 weeks on the 12th. I am sure the moment I see any bleeding I will be on bed rest or depending on outcome of ultrasound on 12th I told my boss bed rest may be the outcome.
I count each day as a day in the positive direction with this pregnancy. Praying bub is staying strong and bleed is going away. With dealing with IF you would think that just one thing could be easy, at least for a little while but that is not the case.
Adoption Scam
10 years ago
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